Sunday, September 11, 2011


Writing [artmaking] is easy: all you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead. -Gene Fowler

1. What does the face of uncertainty mean to you?

I think the face of uncertainty means some things we fear, and also means a wide thinking. Indeed, People do not know what certainlly art is, but people still can have strong creativity to making the unknow art.

2. How do you feel about the notion of, "doing something no one much cares wether you do, and for which there may be niether audience nor reward"?

Actually I have my own opinion about this notion. I think this notion can encourage people to make art. But people have to care about how othere people think about you, especially student as us. Why always have a lot of people don’t care about art, that’s because artist did’t make art were attended.Art is not something juat show ourself

3. The Assumptions: take one of the assumptions listed below and consider your personal relationship to it. How does the assumption relate to your feelings and thoughts toward art and artmaking? Please write a short paragraph analyzing the chosen assumption and your relationship to it.

- Artmaking invloves skill that can be learned

Art just a visual way to “speaking”. How can people expreesing their opinion without learn how to speak. How can people understand others expressing without learning how to speak. The skill of artmaking can be learned by everyone, also can make people know how to justice art. Learning skill of artmaking is not hard at all. I belivive if people have a right artitude for making art, it’s not a big deal any more. When I was young, I always ask my dad which art is good or not, but after I learn the skill of art, I’m not only can make art and also can have more judgment about artworks by myself.

4. Artmaking has been around longer than the art establishment.

1). Definition/ Identity as an artist has both drawbacks and benefits. What does labeling yourself as an artist do for you or not do for you personally?

I think artist is a big words, but there were a lot of uncertainty. What is real artist, what is the difderent between “painter” and “artist”. It’s as the same as the different between “singer” and “musician”. I don’t think all of the painters, designers are artist at all. Artist not only “make” art, they learn other subject; they think about the world; they record the valuable live events…

2). What does labeling yourself as an artist do or not do for you as others view you?

I’m a student, art learner, and a artmaker. I’m not humility at all.I don’t think I have the qualification now. That’s disrespect for real artist. But I hope I will.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Summer Projest!

by QZ

Tun Kou

The Pagoda Surrounded by Pine and Cypress

The Begining of Autumn
